Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of Carol Logan Patitu s Article On Incidents Of...

Carol Logan Patitu’s article focuses on incidents of date rape and how they are increasing, especially on college campuses. As with any issue of this magnitude, there are bound to be differing attitudes toward the rape victims. The author portrays her writing from both sides. One side being sympathetic to the rape victims and the opposing side, giving no sympathy but believing they are crying out for attention. By providing charts and examples along with real life situations, Patitu is able to keep the relationship between the reader and the test subjects relevant. But I will be focusing on the first part, where Patitu talks about the sympathy that is given. In the contradicting piece, I chose Robin Wilson’s article about the national campaign against rape cultures on college campuses. This campaign brought attention to sexual violence, and to victims (typically women) who have long described being ignored. But others think the movement has gone too far, labeling some i nnocent students as rapists, which is where Wilson revolves her article around. The opening statement of this paper is ‘College men accused of rape say the scales are tipped against them’. It explains how women target men and people tend to take the side of the women over the men, even if the man is innocent. Wilson as tells how she feels the movement against rape has gone too far and people need to step back, because, men in college are losing their chances at a triumphant future. Both articles have a

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sexual Harassment Within The Workplace - 949 Words

Sexual harassment (SH) in the workplace, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, is a form of discrimination based on sex. SH can be subjective, in the sense that it can range from anything as severe to asking for sex in exchange for something to gloating about sexual capabilities. While both women and men can be victims, trends indicate that women are greater times the recipient. According to Kubik (2016) 40 – 75% of women and 15% of men experience sexual harassment in the workplace. Although sexual harassment doesn t pertain to any certain type of occupation, it is seen to be more common in care work and male-dominated work environments. Even women in a position of authority may experience gender-based sexual harassment. Within this essay, I provide an overview of the impacts and legal obligations for employers in relation to sexual harassment, as well as the principles for effectively preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harass ment in employment is a present-day political issue that acts as a barrier to gender equality. Named a form of discrimination in 1989 (Kubik, 2016); sexual harassment within employment can contribute to several negative impacts, such as low morale, absenteeism, employee turnover, and an overall reduction of productivity and performance. Occurring when an employee feels threatened or uncomfortable with the remarks or behaviour made against them or that they have been a witness to; SH claim’s reflectShow MoreRelatedSexual Harassment Within The Workplace1382 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2015 SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE Sexual harassment is any form of unprecedented sexual conduct in which the offender uses inappropriate language and actions that humiliate the sexuality of the offended. At workplaces, sexual harassment occurs when stakeholders of an organization engage in unwelcomed conducts of sexual nature, which makes the recipients (of the conduct) intimidated and uncomfortable. As Solotoff and Kramer (2014: 67) assert, sexual harassment is a widespread practiceRead MoreSexual Harassment Within The Workplace1567 Words   |  7 PagesSexual harassment is a continuing, persistent occupational health problem in corporations and work environments. There can be extensive, negative consequences for individual victims and the corporations involved. Assailants and harassers can impact and hurt victims by affecting both their professional work lives and personal lives. The purpose of this paper is to heighten awareness and sensitivity to this important issue, recognizing that institutions, clinics, corp orations, organizations and office-basedRead MoreSexual Harassment Within The Workplace1349 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is sexual harassment? According to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines workplace sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with the performance of a person s job or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment refers to the action of repeated, annoying sexual comments, gazes and physical contact at the workplace. Sexual harassment refers to sexual actions that annoy the partyRead MoreSexual Harassment Within The Workplace1757 Words   |  8 Pages Sexual and Non- Sexual Harassment in the Work Place Sexual harassment is discrimination that involves any uninvited comments, exploits, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation. If any type of violation is made by a co-worker, a boss, a work acquaintance, or even a non-employee such as a client, vendor, or contractor, this will be considered unlawful sexual harassment within the work environment. Sexual harassment can create a hostile and uneasy work environment. SexualRead MoreSexual Harassment Within The Workplace Essay4574 Words   |  19 Pages SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN WORKPLACE Lesa GlennTracy ABSTRACT This research is about sexual harassment in workplaces. Sexual harassment has been seen all over the world, and it is more directed to women and also some men have reported the issues although not that much. The research was done due to the vast number of people complaining of harassment in their workplace and wanted to prove if it’s true. Harassment in workplaces is not only directed to job advances but also as a wayRead More Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence Essay1416 Words   |  6 PagesHarassment has plagued the world for centuries. Why should the workplace be any different? Sexual harassment and workplace violence are not only of historical roots, but contemporary issues are still present in the workforce today. Managers are addressing and combating modern sexual harassment and workplace violence, however instances still occur (Robbins, Decenzo Coulter, 2011). â€Å"Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitlyRead MoreSexual Harassment1405 Words   |  6 PagesSexual harassment Sexual harassment in a healthcare workplace is a very important topic to discuss even though it is often swept under the rug. Even with all law, literature and discussions on sexual harassment, people still remain confused about what exactly constitutes sexual harassment. Therefore knowing what sexual harassment entails and looks like is a crucial step in the prevention of it from taking place. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination; it can therefore be definedRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1253 Words   |  6 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace What cause sexual harassment in the workplace? Sexual harassment is defined as discrimination towards sex. It is unwanted verbal and/or physical contact between two human beings, however, in this case I would like to focus on the workplace (co-worker or supervisor). Based on Civil Rights Act of 1991, there has been an increased amount of incentives for employer’s prohibition conducts of sexual harassment. How people perceive and evaluate sexual harassmentRead MoreThe State Of Sexual Harassment858 Words   |  4 Pages Machin, L. (2012). The State of Sexual Harassment in America: What is the Status of Sexual Harassment in the US Workplace Today? Journal of Global Business Management, 8(1), 133-138. Unwanted sexual advances are inappropriate whether or not an individual is at work. This article speaks to the minds of people who have been sexually harassed at work in the 2000s. When written, the article explained that in the last two years sexual harassment in the workplace had actually increased. It also explainsRead MoreIntroduction. The Purpose Of This Article Is To Provide1362 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this article is to provide a concise summary of what sexual harassment is, discussing who it affects, and its prevalence in organisations using evidence and examples. A range of views will be provided to describe how sexual harassment affects organizations and employees. This article will examine the primary alternative interventions aimed at resolving for sexual harassment in the workplace. The alternatives are all considered to be preventions, rather than reactions to

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ramon Charles Free Essays

Simforian Hello I am Ramon Charles Nadado. I come from a middle class family. I am currently married and have two children. We will write a custom essay sample on Ramon Charles or any similar topic only for you Order Now During my days in elementary school I have had to transfer twice. During my first grade I was in New Era University, during the second I went to La Salle Green Hills, and for the rest of my elementary school days I studied in Lourdes School of Mandaluyong till my time in highschool. I went back to New Era University for college. My hobbies are watching movies and animes, reading manga and novels, and listening to music. The Philippines has had a history of many problems which are still happening today and are causing many problems for the Filipino people. One of these problems, and not to mention the biggest one, is corruption which leads to the other problem of poverty. Another one of the problems are the environmental problems which are causing many of us to have diseases that we are not able to treat because we are not able to prevent them these diseases from multiplying. The last problem is about the economy of the community, this problem is also caused by corruption. I plan to conduct projects that will help us rise from these problems step by step. But first I will need the support of you Filipino citizens and God so that I have a reason and an inspiration for doing these things. I can try to stop corruption by having an election for new government officials which the people of the lower and middle class will decide upon to improve their welfare. To improve the situation of the environment which can also improve the situation of the people, I will have cleaning drives to help decrease pollution and have more hospitals built in provinces. How to cite Ramon Charles, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Percy Bysshe Shelley Essay Example For Students

Percy Bysshe Shelley Essay TITLEPercy Bysshe Shelley was born on August 4, 1792 to the extremely conventional Sir Timothy, who, being a man of influence, no doubt wanted his first born son to follow in his footsteps (Richards 671). Shelley, however, had much less conformist views, and was even ragged at Eton for expressing such (Matthews 196). He did not care to learn what his tyrants taught, but was interested rather, in science (which was outlawed from Eton at the time), Godwin, and the French skeptics. The rebellious nature persisted as he grew older and he developed a delight for controversy (Matthews 195). This delight ultimately lead to his expulsion from Oxford because of his writing The Necessity of Atheism. His patience for authority continued to diminish, until he eventually developed a passion. Shelley wanted to fight tyranny, as well as slavery. His ultimate goal was to lead men to a life of freedom, love, and apprehension of the beautiful (Richards 672). Shelley felt that repression exist because mankind instituted and tolerated it (Matthews 200). He believed that Mankind only had to will that there should be no evil, and there would be none (Ford 161). This idealistic view of the world is evident in the majority of Shelleys literary works. In 1819, Shelley wrote Song to the Men of England (Editors 610). This poem was written for the same purpose as many of his others: to urge the working class of Great Britain to rebel. The imagery of a bee hive is evident throughout this piece. In stanza II, for instance, the tyrants are referred to as Those ungrateful drones who would / Drain the sweat nay, drink the blood. In stanza III, a reference is made to the working class as the Base of England. The metaphor is picked up again in stanza VII, when Shelley orders the Men of England to shrink to theircells (Editors 611). The most rebellion-inspiring lines are found in stanza VI:Sow seed but let no tyrant reap;Find wealth, let no impostor heap;Weave robes, let not the idle wear;Forge arms, in your defense to bear. (21-24)This is the second time, in this poem alone, that Shelley refers to the aristocrats and rulers of England as tyrants. This is evidence of his strong desire for political reform. He sincerely felt that the onl y way to gain freedom was by overthrowing entrenched order (Matthews 199). Another of Shelleys poems focused on the reform of civilization, especially government, is England in 1819. In this sonnet, Shelley uses numerous adjectives to defile Englands ruling class. He refers to the king as Old, mad, blind, despised, and dying (1) and to the Princes as the drags of their dull race (2). The people, though not villainous, are described in a rather negative manner, as well. They are said to be starved and stabbed in the untilled field (7). Shelley goes on to deliver his presentation of the effects of the government in lines eight through nine: An army, which liberticide and preyMakes as a two-edged sword to all who wield, Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay;This poem is very dramatic and reveals Shelleys convictions very passionately. Mary Shelley said that her husband loved the Peoplebut believed a clash between the two classes of society was inevitable. In her notes concerning Percys works of 1819, she commented on the earnestness and heartfelt compa ssion of his desire to express his view that oppression is detestable as being the parent of starvation, nakedness and ignorance (Editors 626). .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .postImageUrl , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:hover , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:visited , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:active { border:0!important; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:active , .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf796bc3003184bfce1fde9a36fa417c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Led Zeppelin EssayAnother poem, that falls under Mrs. Shelleys previous commentary in fact, is Prometheus Unbound (Editors 374). This piece of literature is Shelleys version of the great European humanistic myth of the Titan who gave humans fire and taught them about the arts and sciences. Shelley, however, incorporated the knowledge gained in the struggle for human emancipation since the fifth century B.C. He once again uses symbols in reference to the two social classes. The Roman god Jupiter represents the repression of Europes ruling classes (Matthews 199). In Act III, scene i, lines 3-5, Jupiter melodramatically commands the people to:Rejoice! henceforth I am omnipote nt. All else had been subdued to me; aloneThe soul of man Prometheus symbolizes humans,

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What Caused The Great Depression Essay Example For Students

What Caused The Great Depression Essay Though most Americans are aware of the Great Depression of 1929, whichmay well be the most serious problem facing our free enterprise economicsystem, few know of the many Americans who lost their homes, life savingsand jobs. Americans faced vast problems during the eleven years ofdepressions span. The paper primarily focuses on what life was like forfarmers during the time of the Depression. By the 1930s, thirteen millionworkers lost their jobs, which is 25 percent of all workers. The blacks andunskilled workers were always the first to be fired. Farmers had no money andwerent capable of paying their mortgages. Americans traveled throughout thecountry looking for a place to work to support themselves and their family. Farmers plight during the Great Depression and drought. When the rains failed tocome, the grass began to disappear. As the farmers watched their plants turnbrown and the dirt slowly turn to dust they began to fear what was to come. Inthe water-cut gullies the earth dusted down in dry little streams. We will write a custom essay on What Caused The Great Depression specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now As the sharpsun struck day after day, the leaves of the young corn became less stiff anderect; then it was June and the sun shone more fiercely. The brown lines on thecorn leaves widened and moved in on the central ribs. The weeds frayed and edgedback toward their roots. The air was thin and the sky more pale; and every daythe earth paled. The farmers were terrified that the government feed loanswouldnt be available to keep the livestock from dying. In many cases, the RedCross was making allowances for feed to keep live livestock. The small farmersof fruit trees and vegetable plants depended on others who ran canneries tobottle and can their produce. The people they depended upon were the same peoplethat hired scientists to experiment on the fruits and vegetables to come up withbetter tasting and yielding produce. Thus the small farmers were dependent onthese same rich landowners for almost everything. They couldnt harvest theirproduce on their own so they sold it to the rich landowners and thus made verylittle money on their produce. The farmers found themselves in debt caused bythe purchase of land, tools, animals and other items bought on credit. The GreatDepression was the end result of World War I. It affected the rich and pooralike, factory workers and farmers, bankers and stockbrokers. In short, itaffected everyone; no one was left untouched. But of all the people hurt,farmers were the worst off. The Great Depression is known to be the worsteconomic disaster in U. S. history.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A sense of finality in the Requiem Essay Example

A sense of finality in the Requiem Essay Example A sense of finality in the Requiem Paper A sense of finality in the Requiem Paper The word Requiem, meaning a mass for the repose of the souls of the dead, has very formal and funereal connotations. This title immediately gives the passage a sombre atmosphere, and an air of finality as death is the end of Willys life and the play. Willys presence is still the predominating force behind the passage even though he is dead, echoing the title Requiem. The passage is a requiem in two different ways. Charley, Biff and Linda praise the physical and practical side of Willys character whereas Happy mourns his determination to fulfil his dream. The passage begins with a very emotionless and practical sentence by Charley, when he says Its getting dark, Linda. The darkness also gives the play a sense of finality, as the play is about to conclude night is about to fall. The black of the dark is symbolic of Willys tragedy. Happy appears to be angry with his father for having committed suicide, saying There was no necessity for it, the over complication of using the word necessity in this sentence shows Happys insecurity within himself that he has failed his father. Happy later goes on to say that even if Biff will not, he will continue to fight for his fathers dream. He says, Im gonna win it for him. Happys urge to fulfil his fathers dream is probably linked to his guilt of having let him down; Happys pledge gives the play a cyclical feeling rather than an air of finality. At the beginning of the Requiem Linda struggles to show emotion for her husbands death, although she would like to. Forgive me, dear. I cant cry, she says to Willys grave. It is as though she is still trapped in Willys dream and is looking for some kind of release. This is emphasised when she says I made the last payment on the house today. Today dear. The repetition of today stresses the irony in this sentence, and her longing for release. Shortly after this statement she finally begins to cry as A sob rises in her throat and she finally begins to cry as A sob rises in her throat and she immediately feels a sense of release, saying Were free. Miller makes it deliberately ambiguous about whether it is Linda who is free from Willy or whether the freedom actually refers to Willy and Linda being free from the payments on their house. This sense of release and the words were free repeated at the very end of the play are a final conclusion to the tragedy, and give the passage a sense of finality. Happy is excluded from the conclusion to emphasise the fact that he is adopting his fathers dream and continuing the tragic cycle. There is therefore no sense of finality for Happy and this is juxtaposed with the closure of Willy and Linda, emphasising the difference between their freedom and Happys confinement.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Styles and Impact on Employee Motivation Essay - 1

Management Styles and Impact on Employee Motivation - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that being a manager brings a lot of responsibilities and using the right style of management can have a major impact on the overall performance of the teams as well as the business. There are a number of different styles of management that can be used to manage teams and each of them has a different impact on the teams and the business. There are styles which are people-oriented while others are based on projects and products alone. The style of management that is adopted by a person is dependent on the skills and knowledge of the person and also the desired result that the individual plans to achieve from the teams. Managing people at work is an essential element of any business. Human Resources Management is a specialized function by itself and requires to be managed with special care and attention. Employees are an asset to any company. A few of the types of leadership styles which are normally used include a) Authoritative leadership, b) Participative leadership, and c) Democratic. Here the main focus is on the authoritative leadership and participative leadership. Authoritative leadership is a strategy used by the managers to keep complete control of the employees. Here managers do not trust the employees and are more of authoritative figures who give orders and do not consider any views or suggestions from the employees. This approach of leadership is based on the views of Taylor and those of McGregor’s theory X and Y.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Entrance to High school should not be automatic Essay

Entrance to High school should not be automatic - Essay Example It is in High School where teenagers begin shaping their minds with a clear focus of what they want to be in life. Students experience more independence as seen in their choice of elective subjects. High School plays a key role in shaping Self-esteem and Self-Efficacy, which are indispensable skills in the search and attainment of opportunities in the society (Iversen, J. 2006). However, not all students enrolled for High School become a success. There are innumerable cases of gangster groups formed in High School. A study also shows that most narcotics users began practicing the same while in High School and moreover, the number of High School dropouts keeps increasing daily. Jago (2000) ascribes the enrollment of ill-equipped and lazy students as the main cause of failure and indiscipline among high school students. Most 9th graders soon find themselves in a new, dynamic environment. If the elementary program did not prepare them for the environment, catching up is a race against t ime. Many of those who cannot measure up for this â€Å"play the fool and cover up for what they do not know.† However, it is also true that most of these students develop laziness after they join high school and not before it. A student who comes from a background of strict observation will relent from his duties in the absence of the observer. Again, most private schools base their enrollment on a competitive application and interview process, leaving the applicants to wait nervously for an opportunity in these schools. This means that the school administration is aware of both the weaknesses and strengths of their young students before they join the school. It also implies that private schools enroll a group of students who can learn and grow sufficiently in them. This is not so in Public Schools, where one only needs to have the grades to qualify for the school. However, Automatic enrollment in High Schools brings about a diversity of behavioral patterns, making the schoo ls more dynamic and challenging than private schools. Automatic admission also means that the chances of a student attending his school of choice are 1 out of 12. The process of admission requires that an applicant identifies 12 schools, and the schools' board selects the most suitable school for them. The criteria for selecting the school range from geographical location to the capacity for specialized programs (Jago, 2000). The implication of these is a roaming mindset that there is no need to work hard in elementary school since a place is assured, no matter what. Hence, to enroll the appropriate in every school, we may consider introducing a more intensive selection process. Jago (2000) also identifies students who are genuinely not interested in High School. She states that their lack of interest in high school education contributes significantly to the D's and F's observed throughout their 4 years. She proposes an alternative 2 year program where these students join apprentice ship before High School. In such a scenario, those interested in High School will work hard to qualify while those not interested will find an alternative program, instead of going through the four years as failures. Reflecting on this debate, a decisive response to several questions can be drawn accordingly. 1. The arguments against â€Å"Automatic Enrollment to High School† are inexhaustible thus; this is the explanation many

Monday, November 18, 2019

How the Elements of Poetry Have An Effect on a Poem Essay

How the Elements of Poetry Have An Effect on a Poem - Essay Example On the other hand, a metaphor refers to the comparison of two phenomena but without the use of as, like or such. The metaphor usually states that one phenomenon is in fact another. Throughout this poem the entire concept of happiness was embodied with the use of metaphors and similes. Firstly, the author began the poem with the idea of an early morning setting. The imagery used to denote how early was the fact that ‘it was still dark out’. It appears that the poet used an extended metaphor of early morning to denote happiness. Every minute detail of the morning was ultimately equated to happiness. From the apparent darkness of the early morning to the welcoming light, which causes the moon to fade, indicate the sheer extent of the poet’s happiness. The activity of the two boys in the street every step they made brought happiness closer and closer until ‘it goes beyond, really’ - beyond the immediate gaze of the poet to another location where happiness would continue. The early morning darkness surrendering to the light of the day also gives continuity to happiness because another early morning would appear sometime ‘beyon d’ this instantaneous setting. Interestingly, he used the notion of tangible things to connote the intangible. Hence ‘early morning stuff’ was compared to deep ‘thought’ in the mind of the poet. Thus, the use of this metaphor allows the reader to view ‘thought’ as a normal part of early morning activity such as brushing one’s teeth or bathing. Thought takes on the added dimension of early morning ‘stuff’. The author then uses the comparison of silence with happiness. Thus, the metaphor is the equation of silence to happiness. The poet conveys, ‘they are so happy they aren’t saying anything.’ Clearly, the poet believes that true happiness signifies the unspoken word and the lack of noise or interference to disturb the position of happiness. Happiness now has a voice that refuses to

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Power And The Glory Analysis

The Power And The Glory Analysis Even though the world is filled with impoverished as well as disease struck places, Mother Theresa tries to make a difference. While living a basic life in India, she fights to help the poor, cure the sick, and disregarding her owe health for others. Some might say that she is going to be a saint and others might say she is already one. Her unselfish actions have made her a symbol of love and total devotion to the people. A saint is considered to be a man or woman chosen by God to lead and one almost free of human weaknesses. The priest in The Power and the Glory can definitely not be classified as a saint and he is the total opposite of Mother Theresa. Since the whiskey priest is the best representation of human weakness, thus he can be called a sinner. The novel is clearly trying to alienate the readers by indicating to readers the wrongs of the human beings and exposing the wrong doings to readers. By revealing those acts, the readers are not inspired by their own human weaknesses and thus are repulsed by them. Through the use of the actions by the whiskey priest, Graham Greenes book, The Power and the Glory has failed to draw readers to God and instead has distanced readers from God. In their communities, priests are considered to be a role model or an example of what a Christian should be. They are representations of Jesus Christ in the world to teach the Word of God to others. In the novel, Chiapas, Mexico is under an anti-religion removal and it reasonable that priest is scared to do his duties as a priest. The whiskey priest must cheat, steal, as well as lie to survive and avoid being caught by the authority. He would get money for the people he baptized and two pesos is the usual charge (167). Even though the woman said that her family was poor, the priest still insisted on getting some money. The priest can be defined as an ordinary crook who steals from families who can barely put food on their own tables. The money that he gets from the baptisms is for his brandy. He wants three bottles. For eleven pesos (170). As a priest who is called to serve the people, he only serves himself. When the old man asked the priest, the priest replies, Cant you let me slee p for five minutes?(44).The whiskey priest does not want to hear the confessions, but it is his duty. That duty is not for himself but for God and His followers. After the old mans confession, the priest begins to weep for himself, because he now has to hear the confessions of the villagers instead of getting his sleep. He cries in sympathy for himself, not for the villagers sins. These examples outline the priests selfishness and are contrary to what Jesus has taught his people. The duties and services of a religious man are not only for the people but for creatures, humans and animals alike. When the priest returns to the land owned by Captain Fellows, the protagonist finds the house abandoned and the injured dog. He thinks to himself, her (the dog) life has no importance beside that of a human being (144). The priest does not care about the dogs life and only cares about his own. The priest thinks that a mans need was greater than a dogs (145). His mercy and concern for the dog is slim to none. He is only worried about himself and his hunger and not of the dogs hunger. God created man to care for the animals but the priest completely ignores it. The whiskey priest also commits one of the worst sins: fornication and on top of that he is a priest. He created a child than he cannot care for. When he saw her, the priest thought that it was making light of his mortal sin (65), meaning that he wishes that his sin was not so bad. It is and never will change. This sin makes the priest less than that of the betrayal of the half-caste. The whiskey priest knew that he was in the presence of Our Lords betrayer (91), another Judas so to speak. The mestizo betrays the whiskey priest for money, just like Judas did to Jesus, and the priest betrays God for lust and fornication. These examples summarize the priests inability to control his own self. He does not have to self-discipline to stop his lust and to think of others before himself. The whiskey priest gives in to the knowledge that God forgives people right before the person dies. If you are truly sorry for what you did in this world, then God will forgive you. The whiskey priest knows about this and thus in the prison, the priest prays to God and asks for forgiveness. He is a priest for the wrong reasons and also forgets that it was pride that made Lucifer fall. When he realizes that he is going to die the next day, he starts to repent saying, I have committed fornication (207). Even though he says this, it has no meaning because he does not really repent for doing it. It was like a sentence in a newspaper: you couldnt feel repentance over a thing like that (207). His repentance was not true and he kept drinking brandy, making him drunk while he was trying to repent. In the morning before he gets shot, he realizes that if he had used a little self-restraint and a little courage (210), then maybe he would not be the person he is today. He would then know what it felt like to be a saint (210). It was the use desperation that led the priest to pray that night and it was the use of pride that made him believe that he can be saved by repenting. The whiskey priest is human and has weaknesses just like ordinary people. He has forgotten what it means to be a priest and has disgraced the vocation. The whiskey priest best exemplifies the weaknesses of man and can only be saved by God. To the villagers in the novel, the whiskey priest could be called a martyr. The priest refuses to renounce his faith, unlike Padre Jose who married after hearing about the purge, and living the life of a fugitive, performing confessions and masses when his services are wanted. However, the villagers only see the tip of the iceberg so to speak. They do not see what the whiskey priests true intentions are. As the readers, they can sense the true reality of things. The people think that the priest cares for the people and that the priest is risking his own life for what he believes in. But in actuality, the priest is selfish and only cares for himself. Graham Greene exposes the true actions of the priest to the readers and thus telling them what our human weaknesses are. The human weaknesses are selfishness, lust, and only turning to God in desperate times. Greene is telling readers what we cannot control and this makes the readers distance from God because we do not have power to stop it. Graham Greene has failed to draw readers closer to Gods holiness and actually made people separate themselves from God. This book has failed to inspire people to know more about the faith because of what the priest did so that he can obtain forgiveness for God. Greene as sent the wrong message to the readers about Gods mercy and love. Hsu 5 Work Cited Greene, Graham. The Power and the Glory. New York: Penguin Classics/Penguin Group, 1940. Print. Book.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Compilers :: essays research papers

Size of resulting program generated (involving RAM and ROM) and case studies A factor by which compilers for programming languages can be compared is the size of the resulting program generated. Clearly, a smaller code size is desirable since it is more memory-efficient, uses fewer computer resources and allows the computer to support and run more programs at once. For instance, a program required a minimum of 49 bytes of random access memory(RAM) and 580 words of read-only memory(ROM) when compiled by the C compiler CSS-C V3.000, but required an average RAM of 65 bytes and ROM of 722 words when compiled by HI-TECH PICC V7.86, according to tests run by the CSS developers. Clearly, CSS-C V3.000 is a better compiler in this case Studies have also shown that the V.8.0c of the Microsoft compiler produces smaller and faster code than the CAD-UL Compiler and the V.5.0 of the Paradigm C/C++ Compiler . Of the three, the Microsoft compiler also has the best optimiser for '186, which may be another factor of comparison for compilers of programming languages. User friendliness of compiler and case studies The user-friendliness of a compiler is another factor by which compilers for programming languages may be compared. User-friendliness is important since compilers which are more user-friendly generally result in greater productivity as the programmer is likely to feel more comfortable, and hence be more efficient, using the compiler. For instance, the above HI-TECH C compiler stresses full ANSI compliance and forces the programmer to develop an intimate knowledge of the hardware. The CSS compiler, on the other hand, insulates the programmer from the hardware and has a generous library of useful routines. Clearly the latter is more user-friendly and thus desirable. Diversity of supported platforms and case studies Another factor of comparison would be the diversity of platforms supported by the compiler. Compilers which support a greater variety of platforms may be favoured because they are more versatile. For instance, IAR's C compiler supports only Windows and DOS, but Imagecraft's C compiler supports Windows, DOS and Linux, giving the programmer more flexibility in compiling operations.