Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racial Profiling Is It Committed A Crime Based On Their...

Racial Profiling the assumption that someone has committed a crime based on their physical appearance and the stigma that surrounds that culture or group. Racial profiling, therefore, affects everyone in society as it is about humanity and social justice. We can all agree that everyone deserves the chance to be free of stereotypes and even those who aren’t amidst racial profiling should realise that they are affected as those who are guilty may not belong to said stereotyped racial group or those who are not guilty may be profiled without actions to warrant so. Growing evidence has shown that in a study conducted by the Canadian government â€Å"participants who identified themselves as a visible minority felt that they had been the target of racial profiling over the last four years compared to non-minority participants (20% vs. 6%). When asked the extent to which racial profiling occurs unofficially, 20% of the participants felt it happened all the time and 62% felt that i t happened sometimes.† (Canadian Department of Justice). These statistics illustrate that even in a country where it is claimed that we are equal and without a biased system people still are treated as if they are something they are not and due to their ethnic background. The article â€Å"Ottawa teen claims he was a victim of police profiling† featured on CBC news will only further serves as a real-life example to help justify these sociological theories that a police officer assumed him a criminal andShow MoreRelatedA Visual Of The Mitochondrial Dna1484 Words   |  6 PagesThesis Discussion DNA phenotyping serves to determine the physical attributes of a specific individual based off of genetic material that was left behind at a crime scene. 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